Home > Blog > Which is the Best Bed Slide Unit For You?

Whether you have experienced an injury, are feeling the effects of aging, or simply want a more efficient way to reach supplies and gear in the back of your truck bed, a slide unit is the perfect solution to avoid extra work and potential pain. 

Bed slide units make it easy for individuals to reach gear without climbing, reaching, or bending. Once installed, units slide right out to you with a simple pull. There is a bed slide unit option for every truck owner — no matter if you are on the job or out on an adventure, you’ll love the way a bed slide unit works for you.

Depending on your gear or tools, you might prefer one bed slide unit over another. Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular units available at Campway’s:

Bed Slide Drawer Units

Weather Guard Pack Rat® Drawer Units

If you are a truck owner in need of accessibility and organization for the gear you travel with, a Weather Guard Pack Rat Drawer Unit might be just what you are looking for. These truck bed slide units make it easy for you to work and play — you will always know where tools and supplies are stored within your Pack Rat.

The Model 338-5 steel Pack Rat Standard Drawer Unit for truck bed and cargo van storage comes equipped with four compartments and 24 dividers, ensuring everything fits in its right place. When evenly distributed, loads of up to 425lbs can be carried in the unit. And even when fully loaded, the Pack Rat is easy to operate. You’ll wonder why you never invested in a Pack Rat Drawer Unit for your truck before!

Not only are Pack Rat Drawer Units functional, they look great too. If you are in need of a professional appearance, this is the bed slide unit for you.

DECKED Truck Bed Tool Boxes

Another organization solution is the DECKED Truck Bed Tool Boxes. These ergonomic drawers slide out at waist height for easy access. Drawers are easily customizable with locks, trays, dividers, and other accessories. You’re sure to be organized no matter where you are heading with your gear. 

DECKED truck bed tool system is weatherproof, secure, and ergonomic. This trifecta makes the DECKED bed slide unit a perfect choice for many different truck owners.

Classic Bed Slide Units

CargoGlide Overview

CargoGlide bed slides are the perfect solution to scuffed knees and back pain from routine crawls into the back of your truck or van to reach your gear.  With a CargoGlide, you will easily load and unload tools, outdoor gear, and materials faster, safer, and easier than ever before.

There are different CargoGlide options available, depending on the size of your truck bed and the weight of your loads. The CargoGlide’s weight capacity reaches up to 2,200 pounds. Whether you are hauling heavy tools, making multiple deliveries, or simply heading out for a hunting or camping trip with all of your gear, a CargoGlide is a safe, efficient, and productive way to reach it all. 


Similar to the CargoGlide, the original BEDSLIDE models are also outstanding solutions for those looking for easy access to tools and toys. BEDSLIDE units help you reach anything safely and easily, are weather resistant, and made in the USA. Depending on the size of your payload, there are different BEDSLIDE options available:

  • Bedslide S 
  • 1000 Classic 
  • 1500 Contractor 
  • 2000 Heavy Duty 

Contact Campway’s to Find Out Which Bed Slide Storage System is Right for You

Say goodbye to bending, twisting, and the many other awkward movements it takes to reach for tools and supplies in your truck bed. These ergonomic bed slide systems will keep pain and injuries at bay, while increasing efficiency and productivity.

Visit or contact one of our Bay Area Campway’s locations to see which bed slide unit is right for your truck and your lifestyle. We have been outfitting trucks with the best accessories since 1970, and look forward to helping you purchase and install a bed slide unit that will last.


Campway’s has served customers from the bay area to Sacramento since 1970


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